General Safety: Bomb Threat Response Guidance
The course provides general safety tips on steps to take when receiving a bomb threat, completing the Bomb Threat Checklist and reporting any suspicious items.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to:
- Identify the steps an employee should take when receiving a bomb threat by phone, written note, or email.
- Identify how to complete the Bomb Threat Checklist form in the event of a bomb threat.
- Determine which authorities to call in the event of a bomb threat.
- Identify what constitutes a suspicious item and recognize the signs of a suspicious package.
Printable Materials
Upcoming Classes
General audience safety classes are offered regularly to MD Anderson and UTHealth employees and students. Departments and work groups can also request safety classes. All classes are at 10:30AM unless otherwise noted.
*Please Note: UT Police Safety Classes are offered to MD Anderson and UTHealth Houston students and workforce members only. Other community members please check your local agencies for similar offerings.