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Annual Security Reports

The Annual Security Report for MD Anderson and the Security and Fire Safety Report for UTHealth Houston (Clery Reports) are published yearly by October 1 pursuant to the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics law, which was signed into law by President George Bush in 1990. This law applies to all institutions of higher education which participate in federal student aid programs and it requires that each institution publicly disclose three years of campus crime statistics and basic security policies.

Submit A Complaint or Commendation using the forms below:

  • Submit a Commendation

    UT Police is committed to enhancing the quality of life, learning and working experience at UTHealth Houston and MD Anderson while maintaining safe and secure campuses. If you had a positive experience involving any member of the UT Police that you would like to share with us, please fill out the form below. We would love to hear from you! Your commendation of exceptional service provides the individuals you acknowledge with a greater sense of pride which increases morale and motivation.

    Submit Commendation

  • Submit a Complaint

    UT Police is committed to providing the highest quality of police service to the university community. In order to be responsive to community needs, it is necessary to have citizen input. Complaints or suggestions received by the Chief of Police will be screened to determine if it is a complaint against an employee (violation of rules and regulations) or a recommendation for improvement of the department at large (process improvement). Verbal or anonymous complaints are also investigated but are more difficult to process.

    Submit Complaint

Public Integrity Reports

The Public Integrity unit serves to protect citizens, members of The University of Texas System Police and the reputation of this department within the community. All complaints, including anonymous complaints, against this agency or its employees are investigated thoroughly, objectively and expeditiously.

To contact the Public Integrity unit, call the Office of the Chief of Police at:


2023 Commissioned and Non-Commissioned Personnel

Complaint Type Sustained Unfounded Pending Suspension Retired/Resigned in lieu of Termination Termination
Active Case 6
Attendance 4 2
Conduct & Behavior 1 1
Insubordination 2 2
Conduct While on Duty 2 1
Department Values 3
Judgment 3 1
Responsibility to know Laws & Procedures 1 1
Use of Force 1 1
Performance of Duty 1
Respect for fellow employees 2 1
Truthfulness 1 2 1
21 5 6 2 3 3

Racial Profiling Statement

Racial profiling is specifically prohibited in Texas under the provisions of the Criminal Code of Procedure Articles 2.131-2.137. UT Police officers are prohibited from engaging in bias profiling in traffic contacts, field contacts and in asset seizure and forfeiture. For those who believe they have been stopped or searched based on racial or bias-based profiling, complaints should be directed to UT Police through the form linked above, or at:

713-792-2890 [email protected] Racial Profiling Reports

All complaints are investigated in a thorough and timely manner. If racial or bias-based profiling occurs and is proven in sustained complaints, disciplinary action including termination of employment and criminal prosecution may result. If bias-based profiling behaviors are suspected, early intervention to correct such behavior may be appropriate and could include counseling, training and education.

The UT Police Risk Operations Center operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.