Safety and Threat Publications

Image of a variety of security publications.

Navigating having a blended sworn and non-sworn security operation

Drew Dasher, PhD, MBA, CPP; Olivia Manzano-Limas, BS; and Claudia Garcia, BA

A few concrete steps can help to minimize the conflicts that arise as a result of differences between the two groups.

Crime Analysis Techniques for Healthcare Security

Andrew Dasher, PhD, MBA, CPP, and Samantha Russo, MS

Today’s security professional is expected to be a Swiss Army knife type person. One set of skills that is often overlooked, in the private sector at least, pertains to crime analysis. This field of study has developed several principles and practices that have application not only to law enforcement but also to the non-police security world.

The Many Benefits of Strategic Mapping

Ray Gerwitz, MBA, CHPA, CPP; Robert Haynes, MPA, APP, and Jason Lipe, MBA, PMP

Relying on their contributions to developing UT Police’s yearly strategic map and strategic plan, first introduced in 2017, the authors provide a series of steps that can help other organizations create a strategy map that provides value to both the organization and its employees.

For a copy of the article published in the Journal of Healthcare Protection Management, please contact Robert Haynes at [email protected].

‘Take the Shot, Save a Life’ Program Addresses Vaccine Hesitancy in Students

Dr. Charles Denham II, William Adcox, Charles Denham III, and Dr. Gregory Botz, 09/03/2021

This new program enables youth and young adults to educate their peers on the safety and necessity of COVID-19 vaccines, as well as encourage them to “take the shot.”

COVID-19 Safety Plans: How Protecting Your Family Can Help Save America

Chief William Adcox, Dr. Gregory Botz, Dr. Charles Denham II, Charles Denham II, 03/02/2021

If you break the family- and living-unitCOVID-19transmission chains, you can save the lives of teachers, healthcare workers and police officers. You might even help save our nation.

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