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National Night Out 2019 Celebrated With Three UT Police Events

October 29, 2019

In October 2019, the University of Texas Police at Houston (UT Police) hosted three separate events in recognition of National Night Out.

Through laughter, fun, games and giveaways, the events accomplished the goal of bringing UT Police officers and public safety officers together with several hundred members of the community.

In Houston, UT Police National Night Out festivities occurred on the evening of Oct. 1, the day designated for the state of Texas to recognize the event. Held on the grounds of the UTHealth Child Development Center, children, their parents, and residents of the complex were greeted by various UT Police teams, had the opportunity to tour a patrol car and one of the department’s High Water Evacuation Vehicles, and attend a safety presentation.

“National Night Out is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with our community in a fun, non-emergency environment,” said Alicia Jasmin, Sr. Community Relations Specialist and event organizer. “Children get to meet their neighborhood officers and parents are provided with important information that can help improve their family’s safety.”

Represented at this year’s event was the UT Police Bike Patrol team, UTHealth’s Office of Safety, Health, Environment and Risk Management, BNSF Railroad Police, Texas Children’s Hospital and the Texas Medical Center Police.

Following the festivities, UT Police also held a safety forum for UT Housing residents.

To accommodate the uniqueness of our widespread communities, UT Police Captain Wayne Smith, Jr. re-envisioned the Bastrop and Smithville events as National “Lunch” Out. During midday events on Oct. 1 and Oct. 4, detachment unit police officers treated attendees to a free hotdog lunch and a dessert.

“National Night Out is difficult for our campus because our community consists of a lot of researchers who leave the office at five,” said Smith. “It was great to be able to do this for them as a ‘thank you’ for their support.”

National Night Out 2019 Photos


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