Med Tac Webinar Features Adcox, Botz

December 07, 2020

Are you doing all that you can to protect your family and yourself during the current pandemic? If you are unsure, consider viewing the latest Campus Safety Summit webinar addressing "Coronavirus Family Safety Plans: Readiness, Response, Rescue, Recovery, and Resilience" featuring University of Texas Police at Houston Chief William Adcox and Gregory H. Botz, M.D., FCCM, Professor, Department of Critical Care, Division of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. 

The live webinar, originally held on Wednesday, Dec. 2, is now available via recording on

Panelists defined the steps necessary to create a family safety plan by adjusting their existing emergency plans to include COVID-19 protection. Adcox specifically addressed those tasked with working directly with the public such as in law enforcement and in schools.

"You cannot be too cautious," said Adcox. "Those working in law enforcement, in schools, as well as, critical infrastructure persons don't really have a choice in who they come in contact with. For law enforcement especially, you may have to get physical, which puts you at a greater risk for exposure."

Based on this increased risk, Adcox offered advice to first responders on keeping their families safe. In addition to staying on top of disinfecting procedures he encouraged communication between loved ones.

"Educate yourself, stay informed and be safe," he said. "Keep open communication and talk to your children at the appropriate level."

The webinar identified the following 5 R's in creating a Family Safety Plan:

How can we improve our state of READINESS?
How do we best RESPOND when a loved one is sick?  
How do we RESCUE someone with severe symptoms?  
What is the best RECOVERY plan after an infection?
How can we make our family more RESILIENT?

View the full webinar here

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